Dienstag, 27. Januar 2009

20-20-20 and Body Sculpt

Runde 2 für das "Get in Gear"-Programm: Heute stehen "20-20-20" und "Body sculpt" auf dem Programm. Mit dabei: Christin, Regine und Laurene.

"20-20-20": 20 minutes aerobic workout, 20 minutes toning exercices followed by 20 minutes stretching.

"BODY SCULPT": A body toning class, mat and floor based that concentrates on improving body tone. Emphasis is on technique and working muscles in the fat burn range. Goal is to tone existing muscle and create lean muscle as opposed to bulky muscle mass. A slower paced, floor based class, a good compliment to Aerobics, Circuit Training and Boxerice classes.

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